Healing Hearts,
Changing Lives

A ministry based on Isaiah 61:1 – “to bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners.”

Passion for Purpose
for Women

Duration:  8-week online class
Day/Time: Tuesday mornings from 10 am – noon
Beginning: Tuesday, March 4 
Led by: Sherry Torbert

Passion for Purpose
for Men/Women

Duration:  8-week online class
Day/Time: Thursday evenings from 7 – 9 pm
Beginning: Thursday, March 6 
Led by: Ron and Sherry Torbert

Elijah House School of Heart Healing, Course Level 201

Heart Healing Essentials

Duration: 13-week online school
Day/Time: Monday nights from 7 – 9 pm
Beginning: Monday, March 10, 2025
Facilitator: Jan Hart

Elijah House School of Heart Healing, Course Level 202

Advanced Heart Healing

Duration: 13-week online school
Day/Time: Thursday evenings from 7 – 9 pm
Beginning: Thursday, Aug. 28, 2025
Facilitator: Sherry Torbert 

About the Ministry

Ron and Sherry are called of God and anointed to minister healing to broken hearts. Their mission in both their non-profit (Heart Revival Ministries) and this ministry is to do what Jesus was called to do in Isaiah 61:1 and that is to bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners through inner healing classes, counseling, coaching and books.

We are in a daily battle to protect our heart from the enemy’s schemes. John Eldredge writes: “The story of our life is the story of a long and brutal assault on our hearts by the one who knows what we can become and fears it.” While that is true, we prefer to think on this: The story of our life is the story of a loving heavenly father who passionately pursues us to open our eyes where we are blind and to set us free where our heart is held captive so that we can walk in the abundant life he purchased for us.”

We want those whom the Lord send to us to know God – to become intimately acquainted with Him as their healer. We are just the assistants. We bring over 50 years of marriage experiences to the ministry as well as the blessing of parenting two children and are now privileged to speak into the lives of seven grandchildren who all love Jesus!
Want to become a legacy changer? Give God permission to heal your heart.

Marriage Ministry

Ron and Sherry are called of God and anointed to minister healing to broken marriages and broken hearts. Since the beginning of their marriage over 50 years ago, Jesus Christ has been the center of their relationship. He is the one who helped them overcome every obstacle and they have learned to depend on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance. Together they blend their main spiritual gifts of teaching (Ron) and encouraging (Sherry) to help others learn and apply Biblical truths to their marriages and lives. Those truths include God’s view of marriage as a covenant, the design laws of God, forgiveness, spiritual warfare, healing from trauma, healing childhood woundings, getting to know the Holy Spirit and how spiritual gifts help you discover your purpose, and so much more.

Take the First Step Toward a Redeemed Heart!

Passion For Purpose

Passion for Purpose is an 8-week course designed to help you discover and remove strongholds in your life that are blocking you from walking in your destiny. It is an introduction to inner healing.

Lessons Include:

  • A Helper for the Journey – Inner healing requires the power of the Holy Spirit
  • God’s Immutable Laws – Three design laws that affect every relationship you have
  • Accomplishing Forgiveness – The key to peace
  • Exposing the Enemy – Getting truth where we have believed lies
  • Trauma/Shame Recovery – Recognizing the effects of trauma and shame and how you can be healed
  • Love Needs – How unmet love needs leave us vulnerable to false sources of intimacy
  • Denial – Recognition is the first step to healing.
  • Your Purpose – Receiving and giving God’s unconditional love.

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Passion For Purpose (Workbook Only)

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Who Told You That?

Chosen by Love, Gifted To Love


Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying…

Kent and Jan Hart

Tyler, Texas

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The Woodlands, Texas

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Richmond, Texas

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First Fruits Christian Center